Monday 29 June 2009

Web Velocity released

Big news from Cincom on the Seaside mailing list today: they've made an evaluation version of their commercial Seaside-based Web Velocity environment available for download. In case you've missed the buzz, Web Velocity takes Seaside running in VisualWorks Smalltalk, adds ActiveRecord integration and a web-based development environment (written in Seaside, of course). If you're curious, head over and download a copy.

Tuesday 23 June 2009


I'll be in London (UK) on Wednesday June 24 for 10 days or so. If anyone around there wants to meet up for a beer and talk Seaside, Smalltalk, or something else, send me an email or add a comment. Or if there are any good tech meetups during that time I'd be happy for a pointer.

Friday 5 June 2009

Seaside 2.9 on VisualWorks

Good news from Cincom: it seems they have Seaside 2.9 ported to VisualWorks with all tests passing. They didn't start very long ago and I haven't heard the sounds of much struggling coming from that direction so it seems like porting wasn't too difficult. I'll give myself and the rest of the development team a pat on the back for that one!

Meanwhile, we're eyeing another alpha release and trying to stare down a few remaining rough edges that are preventing a reasonable attempt at a beta. If anyone feels like tackling an improved set of configuration/administration/development tools, let us know!