Tuesday 14 July 2009

Through the eyes of a child

On a whim, while walking in London yesterday, I popped into the Tate Modern gallery. I'm not a huge modern art fan, but a few pieces caught my attention. Two of the most interesting were No Title (Table and Four Chairs) and Red Room, which I've just discovered are both by Robert Therrien.

Red Room is, as the title suggests, a room where every single object (except the single white light bulb in the ceiling) is practically the same shade of red. The room is packed with stuff and it's surprisingly compelling to look at. The collection of objects screams that there's some hidden story here waiting to be deciphered.

No Title (Table and Four Chairs) is a large scale (3.5 times normal) dining table and four chairs. On first glance, I thought, "ok, a big table". But the more I studied it, the more I was almost unable to walk out of the room. I began to contemplate the effect of looking up at the underside of a table, of standing barely higher than the seat of a chair. Obviously, as children, we all saw the world from exactly this position, but I found the situation almost impossible to fathom, let alone to recall. Very interesting.

Check out photos of both or if you're in London drop by the gallery and see them for yourself.

1 comment:

Lio Morgan said...

That song is about how I prefer to see the world through the eyes of a child because everything is a little bit better. I offer the best graphic design services in Melborune.I care a lot about people's inner children, and I am very determined to never lose my inner child," she told The Independent. I understand why we require all of these layers to survive.