Friday 19 February 2010

My new job

I'm happy to announce that I have accepted a full-time position with Cincom in the UK. As a result, I will be laying down my consulting hat for a while, and heading to London at the end of the month. I'll be doing Pre-Sales Consulting (or Sales Engineering, as some call it) for their Smalltalk products in Europe and also working on another product in development. I'm really looking forward to focusing my energy on customers and product/business challenges for a while... it should be interesting.

I still intend to keep active with Seaside, though my role and availability may shift somewhat. With an active user base providing amazing support on the mailing list these days and a 3.0 beta release just around the corner, this is pretty good timing. Once we get the beta out there, we'll need to start discussing what comes next but first things first... and more on that in the next little while.

In the meantime, I encourage those of you in and around London to keep in touch - I'm going to need to find out where the good watering holes are. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Julian! And perhaps we can get you here to Stockholm for a workshop/hacker evening anyway :)

regards, Göran

Carl Gundel said...

Congratulations Julian!

Julian Fitzell said...

Thanks everyone. And, yes, Göran, I had the same thought. I'll get in touch once I'm settled in and have a sense of what's what.

Niko said...

Good luck with the new Job!


Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats! New beginnings are always exciting. Good luck, and enjoy it!

Syps said...

Congrats! Good to read it all worked out.

giselle97 said...

If you're the chap who's currently wrecking the Guardian's excellent (previously) CiF, then I wish you'd clear off back to Canada.

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